FAST-FOOD : Whether or not they are harmful?
Posted by Unknown
on Monday, 4 August 2014
"Nutritionists believe that the various hot dogs and big poppies is very harmful"
But when you can not eat during working hours to fully, will inevitably have to sit on the sandwiches. So whether or not they are harmful?
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Hitting the Liver
Sandwiches are only useful if the question is, or nothing there all day, or chew anything. For example, chips, hot dog, Tat, Big Mac, and more. At this advantages of this power, alas, come to an end ... But it all seems to many delicious!
Almost all fast food (Food Fast Food) hit the liver, as it contains preservatives and flavorings that it neutralizes the liver.
Down Concentrate!
What to do if you want to eat normally, but there is no dining room at work, and dine in the restaurant - expensive? To begin with breakfast in the morning porridge scrambled or omelette. Lunch can also organize on their own, and prepare, for example, house soup, and then heating it in the microwave. However, many "caught" on something edible, which turns into a hot dish without much effort: bouillon cubes, noodles "zaley boiling water" and other concentrates.
When you appear "normal lunch" this food is not complete and is not healthy! It gives the body mainly carbohydrates and a little fat, not pampering vitamins and trace elements, and most importantly - totally depriving protein. But generously supplies preservatives, aromatic and flavor additives. This meal is only valid for those who consider themselves completely healthy.
That is, if you occasionally have lunch "soluble soup" or big poppy and a hot dog and even zapet soda, do not worry, most likely, will not happen. But if all this will be your usual dish for lunch from month to month, you can be sure there will be problems with digestion.
Significant is the fact that poor nutrition and semi Big Macs are more expensive - in the literal sense! And in times of crisis the extra costs, of course, are not included in your plans.
Out there
By the way, a useful "means of hunger" are equal yogurt, fruit, dried fruit and nuts.
The best dining option "outside the dining room" is considered a combination of "meat (chicken cutlet) plus steamed vegetables", as well as fresh dairy products and fruit. Sausage and a bun plus mayonnaise or ketchup - it's bad. And here is a piece of boiled meat plus cucumber or cabbage - OK! Such a diet will not only cope with hunger, but also to bring the normal range of nutrients in the body, including the essential amino acids.
Towards the end we can not say about the main danger of fast food - "incitement" to overeating. After tasting burger and thereby blunt the afternoon for a short time, the feeling of hunger, in the evening it can be difficult to cope with the desire "to finally eat normal!" A hearty dinner than overload the body, the person enters into a vicious circle - in the morning is not desirable, in the afternoon and once nowhere, but closer to the night - a feast. And that's a sound sleep on a full stomach helps fouling figures overweight.
Tricks of the Trade against the great weight
Nutritionists believe that the whole system is correct and useful food completely fits into several principles, compliance with which will help maintain the strength and health for years to come. Those who decided to start a "new life" that is, to lose weight, it is necessary to read these recommendations. You'll see - a week or two extra pounds evaporate ... A thin and slender know these "little tricks" does not hurt!
Remember: there is no single food that would contain all the necessary components, so the diet should be as varied.
Maintaining a healthy weight protects against diseases associated with metabolism.
In the black bread contains more vitamins, minerals and fiber than white. In addition, the daily consumption of rye bread regulates the esophagus and has beneficial effects on the stomach.
Two glasses of skim milk a day fully provide the necessary amount of calcium, as well as supplying high quality protein and vitamin B2.
Fish and legumes contain more useful types of proteins than meat, and they contain nutrients prevent the development of coronary heart disease.
Use in the diet more vegetables and fruits. They provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Try not to abuse the foods high in cholesterol.
Minimize the number of sweets in the diet. Remember that sugar does not contain any useful materials for the body!
Excess salt raises blood pressure, and alcoholic beverages, as a rule, is very high in calories.
But do not go hungry or months to maintain a strict diet. It is only at first glance it seems that any diet benefit. If you sit for long periods on high-protein diets with a significantly reduced carbohydrate, you can significantly harm your health. So unwholesome diet can lead to the risk of cardiovascular disease. In short, and to eat and lose weight should be wisely!
Do not be a slave of his stomach
"Moderate whether in food - this one commandment. The second commandment - less drink wine, "- said the ancient physician Avicenna. We often like to eat, even without experiencing hunger, but just - something to occupy yourself. And in the evening, when it is especially harmful to load up, and then starts to slam the refrigerator door. Biting calorie sandwich or chips, we sigh: "What would such a start has to get better?" Tell yourself once and for all: "I eat to live, not live to eat!". Try to eat at the same time, it is desirable eat after 18.00. Of course, this only applies to those who do not suffer any serious gastric diseases. And another tip: in any case, do not eat while watching TV. This is the most common way to overeating.
About the Author
Hi i am Dr.Kavita parmar. I like to write on health care. I completed BHMS from Baroda. Now i want to share my health care tips to people. I think it is Healthy information for those people who want to like to live their life healthy.
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