How to beat insomnia?
Posted by Unknown
on Saturday, 2 August 2014
"Good night's sleep - the most important condition to be active and energetic all day"
If you feel sleepy in the morning or do not want to get up, then you have not received the required amount of sleep, regardless of the reasons why it happened.
Influence of sleep on health and beauty
Our skin uses the hours of sleep in order to offset the impact of the stressors of the day: dust and skin allocation, which are mixed with applied makeup in the morning, stay in a stuffy room and so on.
We've all heard that a good night's sleep helps our appearance, and it's not a myth: during sleep increases blood flow to the skin of the neck and head. Blood carries nutrients, growth hormones and oxygen needed for production of collagen in the skin.
That night in a dream is produced is important for health and beauty female hormone that regulates the endocrine system, blood pressure, slows the aging process and increases the effectiveness of the immune system - the hormone melatonin.
Poor, poor sleep and female beauty are incompatible. Every woman wants to get up out of bed fresh and full of health. However, this is not always the case. Often morning begins with the fact that we get up out of bed exhausted and overwhelmed - the mirror reflects the pale.
Night sleep - an active restoration of the body, including skin. At night, the skin gets rid of the result of the daily loads and stresses. Yes, yes, that's stress! For example: not only did we put on face makeup, so it acts on the adverse weather conditions - sun, strong wind, precipitation, etc. Also, the facial skin is suffering from active facial expressions, whether or not, if we are angry, scowling, or, on the contrary, we rejoice.
Not only teenagers, but even in adult women lack of sleep can cause the so-called "stress skin", which leads to blackheads and acne.
The plurality of signals indicative of the threat to health and well-being, the most universal is probably just a bad dream. Lethargy in the mornings and the constant lack of sleep often become painful, protracted. Sleep is the most important part of our health and well-being: works well only those who are well rested. However, in a crescendo of life long dream is almost a luxury.
Exploring the origins of such a state, as bessonnitsa, you can find it close connection c complex conflicts, prolonged emotional stress, overwork. Insomnia is considered to be a faithful companion of neuroses.
There are three kinds of sleep disorders: difficult to fall asleep (insomnia), shallow sleep with frequent awakenings and unpleasant dreams, early awakening.
Night insomnia associated with increased daytime sleepiness: fatigue, weakness, irritability, severe intolerance of noise and sounds, decreased performance. And the endless hours of the night without sleep and a feeling of weakness, suggests a glass of wine at night or hypnotics.
Night's rest - Assistant Doctor
But we should not rush to take sleeping pills at night as long as you try it out the other, are quite simple and effective methods. To begin, find out the nature of his insomnia. If it came from the negative influences of the environment, it is possible to make some effort - and insomnia retreat.
First of all, try to get rid of irritating factors: Remove a ticking clock, do not turn the washing machine on the night wash. If someone from relatives working at a computer in the room, place the monitor so that the light patches do not fall on the bed. Some crowded very annoying and does not sleep clacking computer mouse. There is a solution: there were models, rightly called silent because they do not produce "clicks" when pressed.
For healthy sleep may be particularly relevant leisurely stroll in the evening, a glass of warm milk at night, water treatments. Not less than 4 hours before bedtime exclude tea, coffee and a large amount of alcohol with dense food. May be useful for the evening reception decoctions of chamomile, peppermint, valerian, motherwort, or.
Of course, it is not necessary to self-medicate. If there is a distinct and persistent sleep disturbances, should definitely consult a doctor. The uncontrolled use of drugs disrupts the biological clock, and the body is rebuilt with a new, rational enough rhythm. Any medication should be administered only by a physician - in the form of individual, strict time-courses.
Useful tips
German proverb says, "What is the bed, and this is the dream." Bed - a place to sleep, so do not park yourself in the evening in bed with a laptop and sandwiches. Not recommended, sitting or lying on the bed, watching television or working papers. The bed should have its own aura, the carrier relaxation and rest, and not mixed with various office issues of the day.
The bed should not be too soft, since such quite difficult to relax all their muscles, and not very tough - in this case it will apply pressure to the bone and muscle.
When choosing the value of the bed and the mattress hardness stick to the golden rule: "To sleep - you need to relax, to unwind - you need to lie down comfortably."
A proverb says: "Dear friend - a pillow." Should be put under the head of a comfortable, soft pillow is quite suitable for the size. If theft is very flat, in the morning we wake up with puffy eyes, because fluid collects in the tissues around them, when the head is low on the bed.
Insomnia can make and use a soothing herbal pillow or sachet, flavoring bedding. The composition of herbal plants should include:
1 regulating the activity of the heart - mint, lemon balm, geranium, hawthorn flowers, flowers of Viburnum;
2. promoting muscle relaxation - wormwood, sweet clover, chamomile,
3. improve the function of the bronchi - birch leaf, eucalyptus leaf, rosemary,
4. Relieves fatigue - flowers of tansy, chamomile, yarrow.
Pillow can simply fill cones of hops, and to enhance the flavor sachet drip a few drops of essential oil. Here you will be guided by an inner instinct and pay attention to your body's reaction to a particular smell. Remember what the smell is not causing your negative emotions, but on the contrary, gives good health and comfortable feeling.
Abkhazian saying is: "Do the hungry and fearful dream is not peace." Do not forget that a balanced healthy diet promotes good sleep at night. It is unwise to go to bed hungry in favor of rigid diets. Fasting - stress to the body. Supper should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. Do not eat raw fruits or vegetables at night, they only provoke your appetite. Better eat a light protein foods - dairy products, lean fish with steamed vegetables and a minimum amount of spices and salt. Should be excluded from dinner are all very sweet and very salty. Salt contributes to detention in the body fluid, which is the root cause of puffiness and bags under the eyes. It may well seem like a glass of wine - a good remedy for insomnia. However, in the morning in the mirror, you are sure to see the enlarged pores and dull skin. A glass of warm milk with honey or yogurt - probably the best choice at bedtime.
If the evening had a busy dinner, and you feel that the food is not completely digested, it is better to sleep on your left side. Otherwise, you can rack up in the morning heartburn. When the body position on the left side of the food easily from the stomach to the duodenum 12.
Important attitude!
Night - time the most productive sleep and health, the duration of which the adult must be from 7.5 to 8 hours. It is best to go to bed and get up early, avoiding the intense mental work in the evenings.
For the so-called "beauty sleep" is important attitude. Help your body to relax and tune in to a night's rest - give up watching TV with negative information, stimulating the nervous system. If it is difficult to break away from the monitor at night, set the "reminder" and the program will notify you several times: "Get ready for bed." Select a file from your computer to a reminder accompanied them. And the best part of watching the monitor to replace a walk before bedtime.
One of the best and proven ways to set yourself up for a dream - a warm bath. Take it with different flavored - gels, oils and scrubs to slightly raise the body temperature. When a person's body temperature is reduced, it feels sleepy. It is useful to grind after bath leg and foot fir oil and wear cotton socks.
And of course, we must develop the habit of going to bed and wake up at the same time. This good habit will come in handy at any age.
Good sleep is probably the most important condition for the activity and energy for the whole day. If you still feel sleepy the morning and a desire not to get out of bed, it means that, for whatever reason, you have not got enough time to healthy sleep.
If you feel sleepy in the morning or do not want to get up, then you have not received the required amount of sleep, regardless of the reasons why it happened.
Influence of sleep on health and beauty
Our skin uses the hours of sleep in order to offset the impact of the stressors of the day: dust and skin allocation, which are mixed with applied makeup in the morning, stay in a stuffy room and so on.
We've all heard that a good night's sleep helps our appearance, and it's not a myth: during sleep increases blood flow to the skin of the neck and head. Blood carries nutrients, growth hormones and oxygen needed for production of collagen in the skin.
That night in a dream is produced is important for health and beauty female hormone that regulates the endocrine system, blood pressure, slows the aging process and increases the effectiveness of the immune system - the hormone melatonin.
Poor, poor sleep and female beauty are incompatible. Every woman wants to get up out of bed fresh and full of health. However, this is not always the case. Often morning begins with the fact that we get up out of bed exhausted and overwhelmed - the mirror reflects the pale.
Night sleep - an active restoration of the body, including skin. At night, the skin gets rid of the result of the daily loads and stresses. Yes, yes, that's stress! For example: not only did we put on face makeup, so it acts on the adverse weather conditions - sun, strong wind, precipitation, etc. Also, the facial skin is suffering from active facial expressions, whether or not, if we are angry, scowling, or, on the contrary, we rejoice.
Not only teenagers, but even in adult women lack of sleep can cause the so-called "stress skin", which leads to blackheads and acne.
The plurality of signals indicative of the threat to health and well-being, the most universal is probably just a bad dream. Lethargy in the mornings and the constant lack of sleep often become painful, protracted. Sleep is the most important part of our health and well-being: works well only those who are well rested. However, in a crescendo of life long dream is almost a luxury.
Exploring the origins of such a state, as bessonnitsa, you can find it close connection c complex conflicts, prolonged emotional stress, overwork. Insomnia is considered to be a faithful companion of neuroses.
There are three kinds of sleep disorders: difficult to fall asleep (insomnia), shallow sleep with frequent awakenings and unpleasant dreams, early awakening.
Night insomnia associated with increased daytime sleepiness: fatigue, weakness, irritability, severe intolerance of noise and sounds, decreased performance. And the endless hours of the night without sleep and a feeling of weakness, suggests a glass of wine at night or hypnotics.
Night's rest - Assistant Doctor
But we should not rush to take sleeping pills at night as long as you try it out the other, are quite simple and effective methods. To begin, find out the nature of his insomnia. If it came from the negative influences of the environment, it is possible to make some effort - and insomnia retreat.
First of all, try to get rid of irritating factors: Remove a ticking clock, do not turn the washing machine on the night wash. If someone from relatives working at a computer in the room, place the monitor so that the light patches do not fall on the bed. Some crowded very annoying and does not sleep clacking computer mouse. There is a solution: there were models, rightly called silent because they do not produce "clicks" when pressed.
For healthy sleep may be particularly relevant leisurely stroll in the evening, a glass of warm milk at night, water treatments. Not less than 4 hours before bedtime exclude tea, coffee and a large amount of alcohol with dense food. May be useful for the evening reception decoctions of chamomile, peppermint, valerian, motherwort, or.
Of course, it is not necessary to self-medicate. If there is a distinct and persistent sleep disturbances, should definitely consult a doctor. The uncontrolled use of drugs disrupts the biological clock, and the body is rebuilt with a new, rational enough rhythm. Any medication should be administered only by a physician - in the form of individual, strict time-courses.
Useful tips
German proverb says, "What is the bed, and this is the dream." Bed - a place to sleep, so do not park yourself in the evening in bed with a laptop and sandwiches. Not recommended, sitting or lying on the bed, watching television or working papers. The bed should have its own aura, the carrier relaxation and rest, and not mixed with various office issues of the day.
The bed should not be too soft, since such quite difficult to relax all their muscles, and not very tough - in this case it will apply pressure to the bone and muscle.
When choosing the value of the bed and the mattress hardness stick to the golden rule: "To sleep - you need to relax, to unwind - you need to lie down comfortably."
A proverb says: "Dear friend - a pillow." Should be put under the head of a comfortable, soft pillow is quite suitable for the size. If theft is very flat, in the morning we wake up with puffy eyes, because fluid collects in the tissues around them, when the head is low on the bed.
Insomnia can make and use a soothing herbal pillow or sachet, flavoring bedding. The composition of herbal plants should include:
1 regulating the activity of the heart - mint, lemon balm, geranium, hawthorn flowers, flowers of Viburnum;
2. promoting muscle relaxation - wormwood, sweet clover, chamomile,
3. improve the function of the bronchi - birch leaf, eucalyptus leaf, rosemary,
4. Relieves fatigue - flowers of tansy, chamomile, yarrow.
Pillow can simply fill cones of hops, and to enhance the flavor sachet drip a few drops of essential oil. Here you will be guided by an inner instinct and pay attention to your body's reaction to a particular smell. Remember what the smell is not causing your negative emotions, but on the contrary, gives good health and comfortable feeling.
Abkhazian saying is: "Do the hungry and fearful dream is not peace." Do not forget that a balanced healthy diet promotes good sleep at night. It is unwise to go to bed hungry in favor of rigid diets. Fasting - stress to the body. Supper should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. Do not eat raw fruits or vegetables at night, they only provoke your appetite. Better eat a light protein foods - dairy products, lean fish with steamed vegetables and a minimum amount of spices and salt. Should be excluded from dinner are all very sweet and very salty. Salt contributes to detention in the body fluid, which is the root cause of puffiness and bags under the eyes. It may well seem like a glass of wine - a good remedy for insomnia. However, in the morning in the mirror, you are sure to see the enlarged pores and dull skin. A glass of warm milk with honey or yogurt - probably the best choice at bedtime.
If the evening had a busy dinner, and you feel that the food is not completely digested, it is better to sleep on your left side. Otherwise, you can rack up in the morning heartburn. When the body position on the left side of the food easily from the stomach to the duodenum 12.
Important attitude!
Night - time the most productive sleep and health, the duration of which the adult must be from 7.5 to 8 hours. It is best to go to bed and get up early, avoiding the intense mental work in the evenings.
For the so-called "beauty sleep" is important attitude. Help your body to relax and tune in to a night's rest - give up watching TV with negative information, stimulating the nervous system. If it is difficult to break away from the monitor at night, set the "reminder" and the program will notify you several times: "Get ready for bed." Select a file from your computer to a reminder accompanied them. And the best part of watching the monitor to replace a walk before bedtime.
One of the best and proven ways to set yourself up for a dream - a warm bath. Take it with different flavored - gels, oils and scrubs to slightly raise the body temperature. When a person's body temperature is reduced, it feels sleepy. It is useful to grind after bath leg and foot fir oil and wear cotton socks.
And of course, we must develop the habit of going to bed and wake up at the same time. This good habit will come in handy at any age.
Good sleep is probably the most important condition for the activity and energy for the whole day. If you still feel sleepy the morning and a desire not to get out of bed, it means that, for whatever reason, you have not got enough time to healthy sleep.

Hi i am Dr.Kavita parmar. I like to write on health care. I completed BHMS from Baroda. Now i want to share my health care tips to people. I think it is Healthy information for those people who want to like to live their life healthy.
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