What Are the Dangers of Overeating?
Posted by Unknown
on Wednesday, 6 August 2014
"It is not only a terrible enemy of harmony, but also cause catastrophic damage to health"
Due to overeating disrupted almost all organs and systems, and, most importantly, our "engine" - the heart.
Image Source: www.livestrong.com |
Bunch of diseases
The most important negative consequence of overeating - problems with being overweight. Besides, in this matter, and age plays an important role: the more we are older, the more difficult it will be to keep normal weight and thus a large number of diseases will result in an unhealthy diet.
consequences of overeating so dangerous that doctors warn: better to leave the table hungry than full. But most people, alas, often end up a feast with the words "As I ate!" But our bodies are unlikely to say "thank you" for such a full life. Just because overeating all organs bear a huge burden.
Consequences of overeating first hit the heart. Bodies with overeating increases, so the heart is forced to work hard to enrich the blood of a larger space. Increases the amount of work - increased muscle wall of the heart, strengthens contractions. The logical result of getting high blood pressure problems, and hypertension.
The second body, suffering with overeating - the liver. If you exceed the required amount of fat in the liver she turns to their immediate source, and soon all of the cells are filled with fat. And this is an effort not only to the heart and liver, but also in the intestine. Overeating suffers whole intestinal tract. The result - gastritis with low acidity, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis.
Metabolism and spine
In humans, obesity is most common hormonal cycle as the body lacks thyroid hormone - thyroxine. Because of its lack of stability loses metabolism. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and men have problems with erection. Meanwhile, the treatment of these problems is often only a weight reduction.
Overeating is also very distressing to joints and spine in particular. The sooner you can do it with the habit of overeating, the faster you will relieve your joints from premature wear. It should also be remembered that all people with the disease are overweight suffer heavier than thin. They have long treated and often suffer from complications.
How much can you eat
If you add up his hands cupped and leaning against each other, you can imagine about how much has our stomach in the normal state. But if you remember approximately how much we eat for dinner - the first, second, and stewed fruit with a cake, one can not help wondering how all this fits there?
It's simple: the stomach has creases that tensile his food smoothed. The stomach is stretched, letting stuff yourself plenty of food. This mechanism, invented by nature, evolutionarily justified - in fact our ancestors rarely happened gorge fill. However, the vast majority of the time the ancient people still carried out in a half-starved condition, so the stomach excessive constant load is clearly not threatened.
And what is happening today? People do not just enjoy the food and generally eat as much as they do not then they do not need, and simply bad. For physicians this harm, for example, is obvious - they know that with a strong stomach tension worsens its blood supply because blood vessels passing in its walls, too stretched, and blood in the stomach receives less than he needs. The same mechanism is in one state, about which everyone knows - myocardial infarction. In the stomach, to a heart attack are not an issue, but gastritis can earn easily.
How to eat less
* Try to eat not as much as used to, and twice as less. It will be difficult, but the result is worth it! Will be held for two weeks - and the body, you greatly simplify life will thank you. It is possible that even after a while you will forget their past harmful eating habits.
* Create a pleasant atmosphere to the food - soft music (classical, jazz, blues, but in any case not an aggressive rock), beautifully decorated table and lovingly prepared food. Not by chance that in some religions adopted pray before eating - it soothes and calms.
* Apply the currently as much as virtually placed in cupped hands.
* Nutritionists recommend to use a special dish - for example, a plate of small size, which will not allow to eat a large portion. But you feel that you ate - because you ate the whole plate.
* You can also experiment with color plates - so, in the course of studies have shown that the food is smaller appetite, if it is served on a blue or black ware.
* Eat less spices, salt and flavor enhancers - are several times increase appetite, literally forcing overeat. First there will be unusual, but then you'll see the difference - it will demonstrate the arrow weights.
* Breakfast and lunch should be moderately abundant, as we charge for the day due to the fact that is eaten before noon. But do not take this advice as permission to eat whatever you want, in unlimited quantities. This is especially true high-calorie foods.
Down with sweets!
It's no secret, almost all people in the world like sweets. Someone brings a fun candy, and someone kilograms of sugar and condensed milk banks will not be enough to satisfy a passion for sweets.
Sweet Tooth prefer to close their eyes to the fact that excessive consumption of sugar leads not only to a rapid weight gain, but also to the emergence of diabetes. But those who really monitors the health, know that ice cream, chocolate and other high-calorie sweets still appear on the tables not too often. Especially careful monitoring require children. Of course, to wean them from sweets almost impossible, so you can go to a trick: use for cereal, tea and pastries usual sweetener. He's not as aggressive acts on the body.
A child should not overeat
Unfortunately, many children are raised so that it is necessary to eat up. This pernicious tradition was born in the Soviet era, and perhaps goes back centuries. Also, there is a stereotype that the bread should be disposed of. Of course, it is necessary to respect the labor of people who have grown wheat and baked bread. In addition, in the past in our country there have been times of famine, when this tradition was fully justified. People had finished everything to the end, since there was nothing special. But now - is another matter. Why eat up, if you already feel that you had enough, and that the next piece - completely superfluous?
If you put on your plate a little bit, and you can finish eating. However, if the tender-hearted grandmother left a baby mountain of fries, plus a couple of greasy burgers, then gastritis and overweight in the future, it is almost guaranteed.
Unfortunately, some parents even punish children for what they do not eat up. Do not worry, the baby will not let himself starve to death! As a rule, children better than adults realize that they, when and how much to eat - provided, of course, that the wrong food habits are not vaccinated them adults, almost from the cradle. So if you want to see my children healthy, do not force them to eat up what they do not want.
Between weekdays and holidays
Harm from overeating is obvious, but small changes in the actions of people is often not enough. The negative consequences of binge eating may arise not only from the regular consumption of large amounts of food, but also on holiday defoliation. So go to the guests to enjoy socializing with family and friends, and not with a view to the whole string of taste culinary delights in an amount of twenty pieces, finishing off a high-calorie cake in the final. Remember: even the occasional excess of allowable amounts of food have serious health consequences.
About the Author
Hi i am Dr.Kavita parmar. I like to write on health care. I completed BHMS from Baroda. Now i want to share my health care tips to people. I think it is Healthy information for those people who want to like to live their life healthy.
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